COVID Corner

safety first - protect yourself and your loved ones!

Any Tribal Member or household member 18+ who wishes to receive a COVID-19 vaccine from the Tribe should contact the Health Department to help facilitate.

Note that those who have recently had covid should check with their Doctor or with Nurse Yvonne to determine if you need to wait to receive your booster.

Children’s vaccine is available through the Aquinnah Health Clinic.

We follow the guidance of the CDC, FEMA, IHS and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts regarding hand-washing and sanitizing, wearing masks and gloves, and maintaining a physical distance from others.


When and How to Wash Your Hands


Most manufacturer’s medical masks are made for single use but may be used again throughout the day if handled properly. When removing any mask touch ear and head loops only. You may place in an airtight plastic bag to prevent contamination from the inside or outside. Wiping with antibacterial wipes, such as Lysol or Clorox or using hydrogen peroxide have been somewhat effective. Cloth masks can be washed after each use in a washing machine and dried at high temperature. If washed by hand use a bleach solution of 5 Tbs. to one gallon of water. Soak for 5 minutes and rinse and dry thoroughly. Dry in direct sunlight if possible.

When removing your mask and while wearing it, try not to touch the front of the mask. While wearing your mask, if it needs adjustment, do this from the underside. Whenever adjusting it from the underside or outside, sanitize your hands or wash them. The front of the mask is the area with contaminants from your environment.  The inside has your personal contaminants on it. Do not place it in your pocket or purse, etc. Keep a plastic bag for storage until it can be washed.   Remove the mask by ear loops only and dispose of it in a proper receptacle or put it into your wash.